Informative. Compelling. Thought-Provoking. Challenging. Perspective Twisting. Transformational. Butterfly Thoughts Podcast is about recognizing and acknowledging those quiet thoughts, the birth of a small opportunity for a different perspective, that can hold transformational effects on your life. Come join a movement of how the Power of Choice in your life, can lead to your best life yet. Start with awareness - Move into action with your own power of choice - Grow with different perspectives - Take one day at a time - Take one thought at a time - Grab them as opportunities, Conquer your thought life And watch how your life changes - How Peace becomes yours - How Love overflows How your Power of Choice becomes the tool that you will never want to live without again. Changing your life - one thought at a time - one day at a time.
Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
Don’t Care Freedom
Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
Don’t Care FREEDOM!
That’s the name of this episode! Let me say it one more time louder. DON’T CARE FREEDOM!
That is exactly what I experienced tonight!
No, it doesn’t mean that I don’t care about others, or things, especially things that really matter.
It is a freedom that you get when you reached a level of freedom within yourself.
I am working out of town this week and I am trying to stick to my 2 miles a day walk. Last night was a little tough since it was raining and cloudy and got dusk early so, I didn’t want to walk outside. I decided to do it inside. And yes, you can choose to walk inside if that is the only possible avenue to get the job done.
I walked 2 miles in my hotel room. I mean it. I am not lying. I have my apple app to prove it however, I guess it doesn’t show my laps as an oval shape in a 20 ft room, so therefore, you will have to just take my word on that. I chose that over not walking at all and here to encourage you that you can do the same 😊
I am sure most will find it extreme, however, I find walking stress relieving what can I say. It was a little wonky in a hotel room BUT, I did feel accomplished afterward and had a chuckle on myself.
Tonight, was different. I was walking all around a University campus. Warm for a November 1st night, but oh so beautiful. So I took full advantage.
I put my air pods on and set off. Yes, I needed to be diligently looking around with those in my ears and my music on to be safety conscious.
So, please picture this…….and enjoy the podcast!
Thanks for listening.
Kelly Savage
Your Life Coach
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Beneath Me
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
I saw nothing but dead trees, bushes, an abandoned bus stop and many more unappealing sights.
Nothing to make me stop and admire beauty around me. There was nothing to admire.
Or was there?
I looked beneath me.
Let me explain.
I was on a walk looking for some "roses to smell" and pictures to take. For a while there was nothing to make me stop or even go "ahhhh".
I stopped at an area to take a breath climbing a hill.
I started my walk expecting, anticipating, desiring to learn something in nature, and right there, in my moment of perusing the area while taking my break, my eyes looked beneath and I noticed a few flowers that popped out.
Immediately, I gained a different perspective.
I inched over and I realized that the flowers were "beneath me" and normally I am just looking out straight at eye level.
Is it because I have tunnel vision, or maybe my knees hurt and I didn't want to bend down fearing I wouldn't get back up, maybe I got fixated on the negatives and wasn't looking for the positives.
Come on, we have all been there.
But, I almost missed it. I almost missed the beauty of those flowers because I didn't look beneath.
The pictures I got to capture were beautiful! And the whole area seemed a bit more beautiful than a mere 5 minutes ago.
This butterfly thought was more of a Holy Spirit whisper reminding me that we need to look at the whole picture, consider different perspectives, turn our spiritual "eyes" to different levels and to look beneath and remain aware that we are always learning.
Do we sometimes miss people, things, situations because we "think" they are beneath us. Or, maybe we have to shift our perspective to see them?
That is where my butterfly thought took me and boy, I really did get a different perspective in an instance in nature.
So, when I was looking and anticipating a lesson, when I allowed my heart to be open and desired to hear, that is when my heart was cultivated and primed to see beauty that is beneath me.
Sometimes it is us tuning out of our tunnel vision, opening our hearts, becoming aware of lessons that need to be heard and opening up to seeing the whole picture.
Are you looking and anticipating a butterfly thought?
I encourage you to do so.
Have a great day and thanks for joining!!
~Kelly Savage
Your Life Coach
Friday Sep 16, 2022
What is in YOUR garden?
Friday Sep 16, 2022
Friday Sep 16, 2022
Let's talk about roots.
Let's talk about weeds.
Let's talk about you being the designer and God being the master in your Garden of Life.
What are your roots?
What kind of plants and flowers do you want to grow?
We are diving in, getting deep, getting our hands dirty, pulling roots and doing it together to create your personalized Garden of Life and on your way to live your best life yet!
Friday Sep 09, 2022
The Helpful Light
Friday Sep 09, 2022
Friday Sep 09, 2022
Lights Out!
You must have experienced a time when you were working, visiting, or doing something and all the lights went out.
You look around, everyone gathers in questions and confusion and it sparks conversations of what to do, how it is affecting us and just how much electric is counted on in our lives.
When I went into the bathroom and found myself in a pitch black room, my eyes focused on the only beam of light that was coming from the bottom of the door from the daylight on the other side.
That light was helpful in navigating. I focused on that light to help me not to stumble and navigate towards since I knew it was the way out. :)
In dark times in our lives, let's be the light for those who are in darkness and always be reminded that God's word in a light for every one of us in dark times.
He is there in prayer when we reach out.
His Word is there to guide us as the helpful light.
And as we our allowing His word to be our light, we can be a light for others by reminding them that there is always a helpful light available.
Kelly Savage
Life Coach
Sunday Jun 26, 2022
What If One Minute Could Change An Entire Course?
Sunday Jun 26, 2022
Sunday Jun 26, 2022
Listen to an audio clip of Chapter 1 of "Always Ask..What If?" book by Kelly Savage and become the captain of your own team with some though provoking thoughts on the power of choice.
Sunday Jun 26, 2022
Be The Captain Of Your Own Team
Sunday Jun 26, 2022
Sunday Jun 26, 2022
Hi It’s Kelly Savage with The Butterfly Thoughts Podcast.
Welcome and thank you for joining me where we take our transformation journey, day by day, thought by thought and we do it together.
Today’s episode – “Be The Captain Of Your Own Team”
If you want to confuse yourself quickly, get into a deep discussion with yourself, or learn a fact or 10 of them……read on.
Go ahead and google brains, facts about brains, the mind and all kinds of things will start popping up. You will probably encounter more than you ever wanted to know about these subjects. That is what google can do, right?
You will see articles how the mind and brain are intertwined in definition yet differences of explanations of how they act separately and how they are alike and so forth. You must really weed through the information and take the chicken off the bone and throw away the bones.
You will see articles about the power of the mind, power of the subconsciousness, how feeding your mind can be good or bad depending on thoughts and how you control them, think on them, act on them all the way down to affecting your mind by what you listen to, what you read and on and on.
I did just that and although I love to learn and love to hear interesting facts, it can also be overwhelming, perhaps because my brain doesn’t pick it all up and explain it to me in plain English.
Why do I say all of this or bring this up? That is probably one of your questions right now.
I was thinking about how powerful and amazing the brain is. Approximately 3 lbs. of the most complex organ in the human body, flexible, ever evolving set of neurons, approximately 90 billion plus (Yes, I just learned that fact). It isn’t a muscle, but they liken the brain to a muscle as you can exercise, learn, grow, evolve, and scientists how proven that it changes and gets stronger when we use it.
That’s where it got me thinking. What does that mean about our brain? What does this mean for our mind? Can we exercise these important pieces of our very complex beings? Certainly! Games, puzzle, apps, and more for the brain, mindsets and memories.
Do YOU think of your brain as a muscle? Do you separate mind and the brain? Does that even really matter?
Going one step further, and yes, we are stretching our brains and challenging our minds. How does our mind affect our life and our brain? Do you see them interchangeably?
The brain is the physical matter inside our body, very complex but vital. Our mind is the most puzzling and intangible thing related to the brain. Mind is about thoughts, feelings, emotions, spirit, will, imagination, memory, perception, and more.
So how can we exercise them. How important is this information in our life?
Our gym goers, fitness gurus or just those that like to stay fit and work their bodies focus on certain muscles to tone, and know that if they want to get strong, stay strong, grow larger in muscle mass or just stay fit, the body does need to exercise.
Ok. So that has been proven by research.
Oh yes, research, all the research experiments I found. My mind goes to “how do they get people to do this, how do they measure the results, determine the end results and so on”.
I digress. I am not willing to spend too much time on that, the science of, or debating the differences and commonalities.
Let’s concentrate on our POWER OF CHOICE. BOOM! You know I love those 3 little words.
Where does that leave us? Let’s summarize some facts.
The Brain is a physical organ inside our body. It is vital, important, can be exercised and has been proven to grow and get stronger as it is used.
The mind is powerful. Thoughts are powerful. That can go for good or bad thoughts and how much we concentrate on them, repeat them, the mind can be exercised, and the mind affects your body, and your body affects the mind. That last sentence is a doozy and yes, we can pick that apart too.
These facts just scratch the surface for both mind and the brain.
Here’s the exciting part; although I hope you learned a fact or two, here’s is where you get to be a player in your own life, with your own brain, your own mind and affecting your own growth and ultimately affecting your path in life.
Mind. Body. Spirit. All these together and separate are important in your life. For your whole health.
We do know how we feel if we really think on certain thoughts. If somebody is bullying us, downplaying us, shutting us down or demeaning us, we realize what a damaging affect it can have on a person. No one can argue that. Especially if we continue to think on those thoughts.
What if you are demeaning yourself? Putting yourself down? Repeating things in your mind that you know may be false, but you have picked up the tendency to do so. Perhaps has now become a habit in your life.
What are you thinking? What thoughts are you thinking on? How are you feeding your spirit?
Becoming a player on your own team, for your own life, takes a committed decision. It takes the power of choice phrase and requires it to become action for you to take in your life.
Is it easy? Most will say no. Because it isn’t.
Perhaps you have been demeaning yourself and struggling with seeing the best of you for a long time. Maybe you have had history of others saying things to you and you have believed those things and you can’t see anything differently. Maybe it is what you heard from childhood, and you revisit the thoughts just because it feels familiar or all you know. Perhaps you don’t know where to start.
Hence this podcast. I see this all the time. It breaks my heart. I have been there and conquered a lot of the same of what I am speaking of right now. I see people suffering, I see depression, I see hopelessness and I see people not fully grasping their power of choice for their own life.
My prayer is that this very podcast helps many. What’s the Butterfly Thought that flew in? This time it was a reminder of what I am passionate about. Helping people. Helping people starts with me putting my own fears down, my own struggles, my own self-consciousness in what others could think, will think, and my own self-doubt in order to share some of my life to help others in their journey.
Here is what I want you to hear. If this is you; If you are struggling with thoughts, feelings, emotions, and you want to become a player on your own team, better yet, captain of your own team…..first, know that it is possible.
If you are ready for change, if you are standing up in your spirit right now, just KNOW….. it can be different. The deep part of you that shines through occasionally, saying you know it can be different pops up in you to remind you of that fact.
Here is another fact. It starts with you. No one is going to change you, make you start in a different direction, carry your weight in the action needed, no one. You can have support, you can have encouragement from others, and that can be very helpful, but they cannot do it for you.
After you choose to start, it only continues with your actions and it takes time and commitment. It is a journey and not a sprint. The acceptance of that fact right from the beginning is vital.
I have been there. I still get there at times. I mix my own power of choice breakthroughs with my knowing I am the key player, the one that it starts with and the one that continues to take action…..and mixing it with prayer , love for myself, hope that it can be different and faith that it can be done.
And let me assure you, that is a powerful mix!
Head on over to my chapter in my book “Always Ask What If”, Chapter 1 entitled “What If..one minute could change an entire course?” as an audio clip for more on this subject.
Thanks for joining!
With Love,
Kelly Savage
Sunday Jun 05, 2022
A Whole New World
Sunday Jun 05, 2022
Sunday Jun 05, 2022
Hi It’s Kelly Savage with Butterfly Thoughts Podcast!
Thoughts that sneak up, fly in, and hold transformational power, just like a butterfly.
Changing our lives…..one thought at a time. Thank you joining me.
Today’s episode………
A Whole New World
I don’t know about you but even that title, “A Whole New World” opens so many different possibilities and thoughts in my mind. How about you? A Whole NEW World.
I saw a friend today.
One I haven’t seen in probably years. I can’t remember how long it has been.
But we were able to not only see one another again but we got to talk.
It is one of those friends that you love to talk to. They get you.
The energy vibes and it is a good energy.
We were talking about life. Things we learned in the last several years.
We are growing a bit more mature, you know, the wisdom that only truly comes with age, life experiences, self-reflection and the different perspectives that we get along the way.
We exchanged the fact that we both LOVE to grow. Let me say that again. We LOVE to grow. Not everyone does. Not everyone likes that challenge, change or breaking down the familiarity and safety of their own thinking.
But we are two people that welcome it. We look forward to it and have come to realize that we can continuously be opened to change, or we can shut it down in an instant.
Ready. Willing and Allow Those were the words that came to my mind it that instant. Should I say the butterfly thought flew in.
Ready. Willing and Allow -
Ready for the change. Ready for different perspectives. Ready for the challenge. Because there will be challenges.
Willing for the change.
Willing to put down guards. Could be emotional or mental guards.
Willing to put down pride within us. The egos that we fight with at times.
Willing to not just open up our minds and allow transformation in our life but being ready to throw some things away in our life that are not good for us.
Allow. Yes, I said allow. And I meant it. We can shut down anything different in our life including the change that should come in our life. The change that is necessary. Even the change that we want but the guards are too thick, too high, or we aren’t willing to be vulnerable to. We can all shut it down and stay status quo. Stay the same and have nothing change.
Conscious decisions are necessary in growth. Change is necessary in growth.
Wow. Are you getting the picture of just how much you hold the key in self-discovery? Self-reflection? Or even reflection for your surroundings that can hold great power in change that you desire, change that you know needs to be, or just open some doors that will allow different perspectives in?
Are you denying change? That different perspective?
Are you delaying it?
Have you felt it and shut it down?
Have you made the statement “ah, this is just who I am!”, “no changing me”, “that’s just how I think. Period.”, “No, that is just the way it is, and it will never change”.
I have at times. I realized it wasn’t to my benefit if I wanted to grow.
I realized that I was the one to hold the power. There is that power of choice again. The choice to grow or not grow as we desire and choose.
Things will stay the same. Life will move on. And if that is what you want. Ok. I will not argue the point. I won’t even try. I will even respect your decision since that truly is only your decision.
I have always had a natural curious mind. A need to learn per se’. A desire to see things objectively, fully, and to challenge myself. That’s me. Being self-aware is not always easy. Especially when we truly are being self-aware and seeing something inside ourselves that needs to change. Can I say “OUCH!”. I had had plenty of ouch moments already in my life. I don’t see that changing either. That is the ouch of growing, opening up nooks and crannies in your life to heal or change, but also the beauty of growing and I wouldn’t change a thing seeing how far I have come.
I try to use the phrases “Maybe I can learn something”, “Maybe there is a different way“, “I don’t know everything”, I have a lot to learn”, and I can learn it from anyone and in various situations that may even surprise me”
I use those phrases and more. Just in the last few months, I have begun to use the phrase, “the older I get, the more I know how much I don’t know”. That indeed has opened a whole new world in my mind and continues to. I feel that opportunities pop up everywhere now and I am learning exciting new perspectives once again.
The fact is there is always so much more to learn.
It opens a whole new world and could open all kinds of doors of opportunities. Notice I said “could”.
The “could” part is if you are ready, willing and allow. It starts in your heart and the awareness of your power of choice and then the conscious decision that is only yours.
A whole new world awaits you.
Thank you for joining me and have a great day!
Kelly Savage
Sunday Mar 27, 2022
Could It Be?
Sunday Mar 27, 2022
Sunday Mar 27, 2022
Could it Be?
Let me tell you of a really neat thing that happened to me this evening as I walked.
I love to walk and try to do several times a week. Most times my dog is my sidekick, and he gets as happy as a clam to come with me. But then there are those times I need to decompress and just walk. Today, was one of those times. I use walks as my calming time, mindfulness time to practice just being in the moment, physical exercise and the proverbial truth of enjoying the smallest of moments.
2 minutes into the walk while I was noticing how the sun was warming my face and my body, I was loving that feeling and soaking it in especially after we just experienced many cloudy days.
It sparked thankfulness which I then started verbalizing. Mostly in my head so I don’t freak too many people out talking to myself.
That quickly after verbalizing my thankfulness, a butterfly thought flew in.
It was a memory that flew in my mind of a particular not so good season of my life. At this very moment in the walk, I realized how protected I was during that time in my life. We don’t always see clearly through the seasons and bad times especially when we concentrate on the questions “why me?”, “why now?”, or just plain “why”? An alternative question, “what can I learn from this?”, is not always one we start with and especially leave ourselves open to when we are hurting.
The season was rough. It was in my survival mode time of life where I was just surviving. I was living life, doing what I needed to do, enjoying life at times as well, but I wasn’t quite living my authentic life. I realize that it was due to me protecting myself and circumstances I was in that forced me to go “through the motions” more than living authentically.
But in this butterfly moment, I was realizing how much I was protected and that I have never understood that key point before. A wave of thankfulness and gratitude came over me. The sun was not the only thing warming me, but now it was an overwhelming sense of peace and an understanding that became mine. This feeling, in return, sparked more gratitude. Reflecting back on the now past season, I knew that it was for my protection that certain doors closed, some windows slammed and some paths that I was contemplating on taking, didn’t quite pan out for me.
Let me tell you some simple truths in life that I was reminded today in my butterfly thought. Gratitude sparks gratitude. Thankfulness sparks more thankfulness. And positivity breeds more positivity. That’s a whole lot of truth in 3 short sentences and something we can all learn and probably be reminded of in our life multiple times.
Let me repeat that in a different way. If we concentrate on positive things, verbalize them and surround ourselves with more positivity and with people and surroundings of what kind of atmosphere we desire, it really does breeds more of the same.
That is exactly what happened during my first 6 minutes of the walk.
Through the eyes of understanding, we see so much more than what we normally do. Why do eyes of understanding open? Or better yet, when do they open? I am not quite sure. I don’t think we can just open them up and boom, revelations upon revelations pour out. It could, but more often, there is a little more to it.
Eyes of understanding come with time, age, experiences, and under some conditions like whether we are open to different perspectives or want more understanding. Are our hearts open to that? Do we seek it? Do we calm the clamor in our minds long enough to get a different perspective? Do we WANT different perspectives? Do we have the patience to wait when we must? All these questions play factors in our journey of life and opening up the doors to more understanding.
Peace came and remained on me through my walk and beyond. What a beautiful feeling true peace is and when you get it, and a feeling that you begin to desire more.
Does that happen every time I walk? That is a resounding NO! Sometimes I am too busy on my walks complaining about what I have coined “the butt burning hill” and how it is affecting me, how tired I am, and oh the burn.
Now I question, what if started off my walk with no noise, and a conscious decision to thank God for 2 things I have in my life right now that come to my mind and think on them? Would it breed more positive thoughts? Would it bring to my mind another thing to be thankful for?
I believe it would. It does take practice. There is no doubt of that fact either. The power of choice in our life is so powerful that it can be transforming, however, it not only takes practice but conscious decisions and commitment as well. I will go on the record of saying the power of choice, and conscious, committed decisions are very needed to allow for the eyes of understanding to be opened.
Think on good things.
If I concentrate and allow myself to complain about my butt burning hill or things in my life that make me feel uncomfortable, negative, or require me to do some mental, emotional or physical work, the likelihood of more complaints and negative feelings is very possible. Highly likely.
How many times are we steered into a direction that we think is horrible, won’t work, and feel forced to deal with a closed door or a slammed window. How about a blocked path that just doesn’t seem to open for us? More than likely, we cry unfairness.
Could it be protection?
Could it be that your best life is around a completely different corner?
Could it be that you are on a journey discovering your authentic self?
Could it be that conscious, committed decisions that feel uncomfortable need to be made?
Could it be that your eyes of understanding haven’t opened yet for a particular situation?
It happened to me so it could happen to you.
I will leave you with 3 words. One short sentence. Could it be? You fill in the rest.
With Love,
Kelly Savage
Your Life Coach
Monday Mar 21, 2022
Things That Make You Go STOP!
Monday Mar 21, 2022
Monday Mar 21, 2022
Things that make you go STOP!
I was recently reminded that a STOP can come very suddenly in our life. I was drifting off to sleep and started to hear the wind kick up outside. And when I say kick up, I mean
the wind was blowing wildly, forcefully, and loud. Even to the point, that my dog was growling at it like it was an intruder and he was making sure that the wind knew he was
I was having a little trouble going to sleep because of the wind and I was looking up at the ceiling fan to use that as a counting sheep method in hopes I would drift off to sleep
very soon.
That wasn’t helping me go to sleep and then in just a few minutes, came a pop. I came to the solid conclusion that the electricity went out when the ceiling fan blades slowed
down until they stopped completely.
I really didn’t mind it at that point. I was already in bed, snuggled and warm, knew sleep wasn’t that far off and just hoping that the electric would be on before I got up.
Did I drift quietly off to sleep? NO. I spent a few minutes praying, stared at my now stopped ceiling fan, contemplating why I couldn’t go to sleep and then…..my butterfly
thought flew in………
A STOP moment can come any time in our life, out of nowhere, and it can mess with us from a range 1-1000. We do not even realize how we depend on electric, electronics,
relationships, ourselves and many other things that can seem so small or automatic in life until a STOP.
Let me explain.
I was reminded of one of my biggest STOP moments in life when everything around me seemed to just not make sense anymore, trying to find my purpose, meaning in life for
me, my electronics that I always had on around me to deflect was no longer silencing noise in my mind and life. It was one of my biggest and longest STOP moments, that
seemed to just come into my life probably because I kept pushing things away and not dealing with them. I was also reminded that it was in that season, that great growth came.
It was a time I had to face some truths, face the noise in my head, face things that surfaced from past wounds and unless I dealt with them, they would only get bigger and take
more root in my life. Liken it to tree roots for a moment, which can keep growing, get stronger, take needed nutrients from other trees and cause immense damage. That STOP
in my life was truly life changing and needed.
STOPS can come in all shapes and sizes in our life. When electric goes out and you are faced with a very dark morning and no heat, you can begin to view life differently and very
quickly. You might even come to realize what you are taking for granted and haven’t had a thought about those little things for quite some time.
STOPS can be a sickness that is now diagnosed in yourself or a family member where life suddenly changes, and life doesn’t seem the same anymore. Uncertainties mount up
and questions abound and go unanswered.
STOPS can be a job loss, a divorce, an accident that has rocked your world and has seemingly or factually changed your life in ways you never thought possible.
STOPS can be suddenly looking at a situation differently, gaining a different perspective out of nowhere during a conversation, and changing your outlook when you didn’t think
that was possible.
Looking back, without the STOPS in my life that were forced in my life or place right in front of me that I had to pay attention, it is very possible that I would not have paused.
Taking the needed time at the proverbial STOP sign in my life has provided me chances to self-reflect, reflect on life in general, dive a little deeper and gain a whole lot of
understanding and different perspectives. Life changing to say the least.
Think about STOP signs on the roads. They are there for a particular reason and the biggest reasons is to have a car stop at the intersection so there isn’t a free for all and
accidents because people are too busy with their own worlds and timing.
May today be the day you gain a perspective on the STOPS on your life, whether past, present, or future. Whether the STOP is forced, placed in front of you to look at or you
take some time to do self-reflection, when a STOP moment comes, truly stop…..pause….reflect. See what naturally drops in as a hint of what you can gain in life because of your
With love,
Kelly Savage
Sunday Sep 26, 2021
Always Ask What If
Sunday Sep 26, 2021
Sunday Sep 26, 2021
Welcome to Butterfly Thoughts !
Today's podcast is an introduction to a book that encourages you to ask a very small question routinely in your life. That's right. Always Ask..What If? www.revivifymetoday.com/shop
It is time to awaken..learn..evolve..transform and become.
"What if". A perspective that can occupy the mind and bring you into an overwhelming, anxious state of mind OR a small, very powerful question that can bring enlightenment and produce powerful change in your life. You decide.
This book I propose is my newly published book that came out of a passion in my that doesn't quit to encourage and help people along their path of life by bringing different perspectives that can be challenging but also life changing.
I know because I have spent my life asking the "what if" questions but NOT getting stuck into destructive "what ifs" but rather excitedly think that a "what if" thought could help me regain power when I lost it along the way and renew me of the fact I have choices. It has brought transformation to me in my life and my passion is to spread faith, hope and love to others.
Thank you for joining us today and have a great day! ~Kelly Savage
Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
Keep It In Balance
Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
Hi! It's Kelly Savage with the Butterfly Thoughts Podcast. Welcome and Thank you for joining me as we take our transformation journey day by day, thought by thought and we are doing it together! In a few short minutes a day, we provokingly reflect and challenge ourselves to a different perspective..... starting with just one thought. I coined them Butterfly Thoughts because we need to be reminded that transformation comes in stages and can bring about beauty for butterflies and our lives.
Today's episode is......"Keep It In Balance"
So, today was one of those days. I am afforded the opportunity to work a Saturday to have a day off during the week. Saturdays along with my other work days, I work hard and get an impressive amount of work done. You see, I am definitely one that is driven by productivity.
So, there I am, at home, starting my day at my work computer. On my day off. Answering emails, finishing a spreadsheet and boom, my butterfly thought flew in. Well, maybe BOOM is the wrong adjective there but I will say the thought came not as quietly as most butterflies fly in.
"Keep it in balance" - that it all I heard but honestly …....it is all I needed to hear.
I was reminded that …. I work hard, but I can play just as hard. That's the beauty of balance and my reminder brought that beauty into my mind and gave me a choice, a decision, to keep it in balance.
Monday Feb 17, 2020
A Small Nightmare
Monday Feb 17, 2020
Monday Feb 17, 2020
Flat Tire -
Dangerous Highway -
4 hour wait -
Fog -
Flying Trucks -
Questionable Tow Truck -
Anxiety Attack in the Making........
Today's episode......A Small Nightmare...... is about all of these and quite a bit more.
Fear is the opposite of faith, hope and can wreak havoc in our minds and steal joy from you.
A Small Nightmare begins with an occurrence, coupled with extra bad occurrences yet ends in transformation from just one thought.
Thank you for joining me on Butterfly Thoughts......where we take our transformation journey day by day....thought by thought.....AND we are doing it together.
Kelly Savage
Butterfly Thoughts