Informative. Compelling. Thought-Provoking. Challenging. Perspective Twisting. Transformational. Butterfly Thoughts Podcast is about recognizing and acknowledging those quiet thoughts, the birth of a small opportunity for a different perspective, that can hold transformational effects on your life. Come join a movement of how the Power of Choice in your life, can lead to your best life yet. Start with awareness - Move into action with your own power of choice - Grow with different perspectives - Take one day at a time - Take one thought at a time - Grab them as opportunities, Conquer your thought life And watch how your life changes - How Peace becomes yours - How Love overflows How your Power of Choice becomes the tool that you will never want to live without again. Changing your life - one thought at a time - one day at a time.
Sunday Feb 09, 2020
Sunday Feb 09, 2020
Sunday Feb 09, 2020
I've been SCHOOLED!
For anyone who knows me and spends time with me, my time spent is trying to be positive, giving the benefit of the doubt to all, seeing the bright side of things and believing in faith, hope and love.
I don't dwell in the negative. There is negative out there and I surely know that. My focus, however, is on the positive side of things.
Or should I say that's my focus ALMOST all the time.
I've been schooled is about a lesson I learned to listen to my own advice. Ever been there? Can you relate?
The fact is.....growth, as challenging at it is at times, from the smallest to the largest of issues, really can be beautiful and truly change our perspective.
Here's to all of our growth stores in our lives and the fortitude in all of us that does exist.
Thank you for joining today!
Kelly Savage
Butterfly Thoughts
Monday Feb 03, 2020
POWER packaged in Simple Things
Monday Feb 03, 2020
Monday Feb 03, 2020
I found myself apologizing today. Where you ever in that predicament?
Do we find saying "I'm sorry" hard? Why?
My apology ended powerfully. Where, in my apology, her attitude and mine changed!
I say confidently that the small, common courtesy, acts are powerful and can change the atmosphere.......just like that.
Thank you for joining and listening in....
Kelly Savage
The Butterfly Thoughts
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
Bubble Wrap, My Friends!
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
Bubble Wrap is the bomb!
I'm serious! One of the best stress relievers ever used - by me .........
In this episode, I will walk you through a moment with me and my bubble wrap......
What is your stress relievers? We all need them and we all have the choice in practicing them for ourselves and others around us.
Here's to making little stress relievers a part of our choice and letting them have a great big impact in our lives.
Thanks for joining !
Kelly Savage
Butterfly Thoughts
Saturday Jan 25, 2020
The Power of Onion Layers
Saturday Jan 25, 2020
Saturday Jan 25, 2020
"This Moment is Meant Just for You"...........that was my Butterfly Thought for the day and I ceased it.
Healing comes in layers, like a peeling of an onion. At times we cry with the peeling of an onion, but with crying, can come healing.
Come join us for a few moments to reflect on how crying, nostalgic feelings and a butterfly thought produce a perfect storm that is meant to touch at that very moment.
Here's to anyone that needs to hear this and to cease a moment.
Thank you for joining!
Kelly Savage
Butterfly Thoughts
Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
The Power of Now
Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
Episode: The Power of Now
Do your thoughts automatically go in the past or the future? Think about it. That might even take practice to see where our sometimes complicated mind is at......
Today's episode reflects on whether we are truly enjoying the NOW moment. The one we have this very minute. Remember, the next moment isn't promised.
I was reminded of that today along with the power of NOW - living this moment to the fullest.
Thank you for joining us on the journey of thoughts that can usher us into transformation.
Thought by thought - day by day - together.
Kelly Savage
Butterfly Thoughts
Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
Did You Feel That?
Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
Today's Episode: Did You Feel That?
Exploring our breath today....... Not something you normally think about, huh?
Well, that's what we did and, with it, came a realization that there is automatic breathing to keep us alive and those breaths that make us feel alive.
Come join in this journey of life where, with one thought at a time, transformation can take place in our lives.
Thank you for joining!
Kelly Savage
Butterfly Thoughts
Monday Jan 20, 2020
Indulgences - In Balance
Monday Jan 20, 2020
Monday Jan 20, 2020
Go ahead - Indulge!
Hold up - I forgot something........Indulge - In Balance!
Today's episode comes with a warning tho......... I am encouraging you to think of something that makes you smile, feel good, and something you love to do and do it!
Give yourself permission to indulge, in balance, things that go a long way with you and in return, when you get that smile on your face and that attitude adjustment naturally, you will be spreading love and smiles to all those around.
Have a great day and Happy Indulging!
Kelly Savage
Butterfly Thoughts
Thursday Jan 16, 2020
Living The Dream
Thursday Jan 16, 2020
Thursday Jan 16, 2020
When we say "I'm just living the dream", do we really know what we are saying?
Today's episode "Living the Dream" explores a little difference of thinking about this statement........
Food for thought.......
Have a great day!
Kelly Savage
Butterfly Thoughts
Monday Jan 13, 2020
What About Me?
Monday Jan 13, 2020
Monday Jan 13, 2020
What About Me?
Are you curious about these Butterfly Thoughts? The ins, outs, hows and whys? Looking for some change in your life and take more control of that change?
These episode is made just for you!
Key components are needed to cooperate with these thoughts but .........whoever is raising their hand right now in wanting to take the first step, I got some news for you..........an exciting journey awaits!
Thank you for joining today!
Kelly Savage
Sunday Jan 12, 2020
What Is It All About?
Sunday Jan 12, 2020
Sunday Jan 12, 2020
Have you ever questioned what life is all about?
I have. It's those days where you are just rolling with life, not quite in focus of the bigger picture.
Today's Butterfly Thought was not the prettiest, easiest or most peaceful, but I certainly got "in focus" to the bigger picture, once again.
Thanks for joining me today and allowing me to share!
Kelly Savage
Butterfly Thoughts Podcast
Sunday Jan 12, 2020
Sunrise - Sunset
Sunday Jan 12, 2020
Sunday Jan 12, 2020
In a few short minutes a day, we provokingly reflect and challenge ourselves into a different perspective starting with just one thought.....
I coined them Butterfly Thoughts......because we need to be reminded transformation comes in stages and can bring about beauty for butterflies....and our lives.
Today's episode: Sunrise - Sunset
Almost instantly today, I got a different perspective with my thought and changed the course of my day.
I hope you experience the same and more!
Thanks for joining.
Kelly Savage
Saturday Jan 11, 2020
Their Quotes and My Thoughts
Saturday Jan 11, 2020
Saturday Jan 11, 2020
Today's episode : Their quotes and My Thoughts.
Hear these thought provoking quotes from famous, known and different people.
I share my thoughts on these quotes and challenge all of us into acknowledging and focusing in on different perspectives to bring transformation in our lives.
Thanks for joining and don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss future episodes!
Kelly Savage
Butterfly Thoughts